How to Avail The Social Security Benefits?
If unfortunately, you are disabled, then you must have thought about applying for social security disability benefits. But, yes, it is sad and true that only 30% of the applicants get approval for their benefits and rest of the applicants are denied. After this, the next step is going for an appeal. But, this entire process of appeal is very complicated and you have to gather many documents and evidences in order to prove that you literally deserve the disability benefits.
When you go for an appeal, then at the hearing, you have to efficiently prove your claim for the benefits. This can be done through medical documentation or with your medical treatment history of the last six months. This would also verify the date of the beginning of your disability. This is very crucial, as with onset date your back pay is decided. Your recent medical records shouldn’t be older than 90 days and they must have been obtained from trustworthy resources, like a certified or licensed medical personnel. The statements of your physicians, psychologists, podiatrists or doctors are very crucial, as this would help you in proving that your disability is severe and you are unable to work.
You also have to attend a consultative examination in case, you don’t have your treatments records and notes. With this the disability examiner would verify that your disability is serious enough and it can’t get better in the next one year. The consultative examination would be conducted by the physicians who work privately and are independent. They are just compensated by the SSA to carry out the examinations of the applicants.
The team of professionals at PRW Disability have about 25 years of experience and our legal services could help you in getting approval for your benefits. When you hire our legal services, then we would handle all your problems regarding your claim for social security disability benefits. We know you deserve them, it’s just that you can’t prove that effectively in the court. But, that’s not an issue, because we know what all you is required to make your case stronger and let you win.
We would work with you and guide you in an efficient manner, in order to get the benefits and start living your life the way you want. Now, there shouldn’t make anymore compromise with the quality of your life just because you are disabled. Give us a call at (407) 647-8533 anytime and we would help you for sure.