Apply for Social Security Disability Income Benefits
In order to provide assistance to the people with disabilities, the Social Security Income Disability programs are administered by the Social Security Administration. To qualify for this, the person with disabilities have to fulfil many criterias, like you have worked for years and must have a disable part that affects your work and life.
Do remember to apply for social security disability benefits as soon as possible, as when you apply for:
1. Social security, social security disability income would not start coming immediately, but until the sixth full month of disability. The waiting period for Social Security Disability starts with the complete first month after the date it is decided that your disability began.
2. Supplemental Security Income, i.e., SSI would be paid for the first full month after the date your claim is filed or may be later when you’ll be eligible for SSI.
Approvals for the claims of Social security Income benefits could take longer time to process than the other types of Social Security claims about 1 to 2 years later. But, you can make this procedure shorter by carrying certain information and documents while you apply for social security income, like your medical evidence that confirms that you are disabled.
Here are the credentials that you must carry, when you Apply for Social Security Disability Income Benefits:
Information about you:
1. A brief summary about where you used to work and what type of work you did
2. A proof of your age and Social Security Number
3. Details about medications that you are taking
4. Your name, address and contact details of the doctors, hospitals, clinics and the caseworkers, who took care of you and in this also include the dates on which you visited them.
5. All the lab and test results
6. The most recent W-2 form or in case you are self-employed, then you have to carry a copy of federal tax return.
Information about your family members:
1. Social Security numbers of all the family members, for whose benefits you are applying with proof of age.
2. A proof of marriage, in case your spouse is applying for the benefits and even the dates of previous marriages if applicable.
You all would agree that winning your claim for Social Security Disability Income Benefits isn’t an easy thing and an assistance is required from the experts. At, PRW Disability our representatives can help you in filing your claim and winning it effectively. The best thing about our services is that you don’t need to pay anything until we win. Call us now at 800-925-9520